Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Artical Portal
Article Writing and Submission Services
We might think that article submission websites and article marketing are no longer of use. Actually, Google’s Hummingbird algorithm, along with other major search engines, still reward links gained from article directories.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Unique content written
All articles are custom written by one of our professional article writers. Our professional article writers will study your industry and look for news that will spark the interest of internet users.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Improve page rank
Google likes to see links to your website content from relevant and highly trafficked websites. Directory sites fill the bill–and the links at the end of each of your articles will in drawing more traffic, giving you more credibility with search engines.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Professionally written
All articles are written by one of our professional search engine marketers, with a strong background in the English language. Our search engine marketers write the articles in a way that is SEO friendly.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Mention a popular post
If you notice a post by a popular blogger in your niche getting a lot of attention, add your viewpoint and link to the original post.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Customer success story
When you receive a great testimonial from a customer, ask for permission to turn it into a post. Use the post to solicit more customer stories.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Discuss future plans
Give readers a sneak peek at what you'll do in the coming year to start generating interest.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Successful Articl that also promotes your business
Among all the SEO techniques, article submission can be one of the most successful. Article submission generally refers to the writing of articles that are relevant to your online business and then getting them added to the popular article submission directories.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Word Count
As a guide, an Article post should be about 400 words. If your post is longer than this, think about serializing it. People tend to scan web content, so make every word count.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Opinion is divided on how frequently you should update your articles. Aim for a frequency that you can maintain. Fortnightly or weekly is fine. The key is consistency. Don't start an article and then abandon it halfway.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Make your Article shareable
Links are the lifeblood of the internet, so make it easy for your readers to share your Article. The easiest way to do this is by using share icons. These are social networking icons that make it easy for people to share your post and consequently.
Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
Measure your Article's performance
We have a web stats tool to measure your website's performance. The most popular one is Google Analytics. It's free and literally takes minutes to install. Over time, as you add more posts to your Article, which of your posts are popular so you know the kind of content your readers like
Article Submission Service
Articles are the ways and means to strategically promote your brand, service or product to your target audience. The main reason Articles posts have gained popularity, especially in the context of business, is because search engines crave content.

Once you've created a Articles, you or your team may start writing Articles and wait for people to visit your Articles. Now, in order to get the traffic to your Articles, they need to be able to find you first, By submitting your Articles in relevant industry directories and search engines, we help you promote your Articles, thus ensuring you traffic.

In case you find the effort of writing Articles too demanding on your time, or feel it's better to outsource the writing to a professional, we can help by writing search engine friendly articles for your business or related topics.

MadhuG Technologies provide quality Article Submission Services, where we manually submit articles on top websites at affordable prices. Our professional team members go through diverse rounds of quality checks that ensure valuable traffic to your website.

The main purpose of article submission is to attract a large number of visitors (and links) to your website without incurring a great cost. Obviously, it is important to make sure that the articles you intend to submit are directly related or relevant to your business.

Article Posting Company in Gurgaon
MadhuG Technologies
Plot No 23, Sector 18,
Gurgaon (Haryana) 122001
 +91-85951 04872

Branch Office
Thakurwari Road (Behind Vijya Bank)
Kashipur, Samastipur(Bihar) Pin No 848101
 +91-93044 99608

Village - Ratmoli District - Bageshwar
(Uttarakhand) Pin 263642

28/A Talpuri Twincity Intnl Colony, Tlpur
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh Pin No 490006