In addition to design, a business website should offer the right features for its users. Although professional web design is important, the usability of the website is crucial to its success. A professional website should be rich with features and allow customers to interact with the business.
Customer expectations have evolved with time. When internet users visit a website today, they expect the website to offer a certain level of interaction. With the popularity of second generation websites, popularly known as Web, it has become common for businesses to offer a range of interactive features on websites such as videos, podcasts, and many ways in which customers can offer their feedback. Many of these features are easy to implement on a website and most web design companies and professionals will offer them as standard features with their websites.
Businesses can benefit from this trend by offering interactive features on the company website that are easy to implement. Building an effective web presence is vital for any company today and the company's website is its greatest marketing tool. Improving the interactivity of the company website can help increase conversion rates and improve brand loyalty and recognition.
The initial – and most important – stage for any development project is research. At our firm, research constitutes about 80% of all development processes, the other 20% is divided among the remaining four tactics.
When all ideas have been selected, the front-end design process begins. Our main approach to design is using the information architecture process. First, we create low-fidelity prototypes. These are rough concepts ..........
With the design process complete, you can proceed to development by creating a back-end solution to support the front-end design. The development process involves studying the data and behaviors found during......
Once the product is developed and launched with client approval, an iterative cycle of testing begins. This iteration process exists in all of the above stages, but it’s most imperative following the product launch.